About 'skin milk nutrition facts'|The Raw Milk Conspiracy – Short Facts!
More and more people today are being diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency. Are you one of them? I was diagnosed with low vitamin D a couple of years ago. My doctor put me on a short term prescription strength vitamin D, which she referred to as a "jump start". She also recommended an over the counter vitamin D supplement, which I am to take forever. If you prefer not to take supplements or want to increase your vitamin D in other ways, you have several options. The best and cheapest way to increase your vitamin D is sun exposure. Make it a habit to take a walk, sit, or work outside in full sun for 20 minutes everyday. Wear a swim suit, or shorts and a sleeveless top for maximum exposure. If exposure to full sun is difficult for you, there are two artificial options. A vitamin D lamp is a good option, but rather costly. I recently purchased one for around $250. The advantage to the vitamin D lamp is that it is always available, which is especially good when you live in the northern section of the United States. When using the vitamin D lamp, you absolutely must wear protective eye wear and be careful not to over expose. The recommended length of time is three times a week, for five minutes per session. Again, the more skin exposed the more vitamin D absorbed. In the privacy of your home, you can strip down. Tanning booths also provide UV light and will increase your vitamin D levels. Many foods are rich in vitamin D, some naturally and some enriched. Good sources of vitamin D are: cow's milk, soy milk, salmon, sardines, catfish, tuna, shiitake and button mushrooms to name a few. Some other foods such as some orange juice have vitamin D added. Check labels to see if vitamin D is added. Before I was diagnosed with a low vitamin D level, I thought all cheese and yogurt were high in vitamin D because they are made from cow's milk. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Most cheese and yogurt are made from cow's milk that does not have vitamin D added. If you are using cheese and yogurt to supplement your vitamin D be sure to read the "Nutrition Facts" on the label to check if it has any vitamin D. Symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency can be bone pain and muscle weakness. If you think you might be suffering from low vitamin D you can have a simple blood test done. Make an appointment with your family physician or an endocrinologist. |
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