2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'soy milk nutrition data'|Which milk is best to buy

About 'soy milk nutrition data'|Which milk is best to buy

There               are               several               good               food               sources               of               calcium               other               than               dairy               products.

Whether               you               are               lactose-intolerant,               dislike               dairy               or               would               like               to               add               more               calcium               to               your               diet               without               the               use               of               supplements,               here               are               some               non-dairy               sources               of               calcium.

For               those               who               are               lactose-intolerant               or               dislike               dairy,               there               are               ways               to               get               calcium               through               natural               sources               rather               than               resorting               to               supplements.

The               recommended               daily               allowance               for               calcium               is               about               1,000               mg               for               most               individuals.

For               reference,               a               cup               of               skim               milk               contains               306               mg               of               calcium.
               Non-dairy               sources               of               calcium:               vegetables               .

Vegetables               have               many               nutritional               benefits               as               are               generally               low               in               calories.

Some               vegetables               are               also               rich               in               calcium.
               Most               dark               green,               leafy               vegetables               are               good               non-dairy               sources               of               calcium.

Cooked               from               fresh,               a               one-cup               serving               of               collards               has               266               mg               of               calcium,               spinach               has               245               mg               of               calcium               and               turnip               greens               have               197               mg               of               calcium.

However,               mustard               greens               contain               less               at               104               mg               of               calcium               for               one               cup.
               Non-dairy               sources               of               calcium:               seafood               .

Certain               fish               and               other               seafood               are               good               sources               of               calcium.

They               are               also               high               in               protein.
               Sardines               are               usually               the               first               mentioned               in               this               category               as               being               high               in               calcium               with               569               mg               of               calcium               for               a               one-cup               serving               of               sardines               canned               in               oil.

Although               other               fish               and               seafood               are               not               nearly               as               high,               one               cup               of               canned               jack               mackerel               has               458               mg               of               calcium,               100               g               of               canned               pink               salmon               has               277               mg               of               calcium.
               Non-dairy               sources               of               calcium:               beans,               nuts               and               seeds               .

Beans,               nuts               and               seeds               can               not               only               be               good               sources               of               protein,               but               can               also               be               good               sources               of               calcium.

Many               nuts               are               also               good               sources               of               healthy               fat.
               Once               prepared,               one               cup               of               white               beans               has               161               mg               of               calcium,               while               navy               beans               have               126               mg               of               calcium.

One               cup               of               whole               almonds               has               378               mg               of               calcium,               a               cup               of               toasted               sesame               seeds               has               168               mg               of               calcium               and               one               cup               of               chopped               hazelnuts               has               131               mg               of               calcium.

One               ounce               of               dill               seeds               has               424               mg               of               calcium,               an               ounce               of               poppy               seeds               has               403               mg               of               calcium               and               an               ounce               of               fennel               seeds               has               335               mg               of               calcium.
               Non-dairy               sources               of               calcium:               other               items               .

Many               foods               are               now               fortified               with               calcium,               such               as               breakfast               cereals               and               even               juices.

Also,               soy               products,               such               as               tofu               and               soy               milk               are               good               sources               of               calcium.

Many               grains               and               herbs               contain               calcium               as               well.
               To               see               how               much               calcium               your               favorite               foods               have,               check               out               Nutritiondata.com               for               more               information.

You               don't               have               to               resort               to               solely               dairy               or               supplements               to               get               enough               calcium               in               your               diet.

By               adding               a               variety               of               different               foods,               you               may               find               you               get               enough               of               this               mineral               with               many               non-dairy               sources               of               calcium.
               Further               Reading               on               Calcium               by               this               Writer               on               Y!CN:
               Do               You               Really               Need               a               Calcium               Supplement?
               Can               Too               Much               Calcium               Cause               Fibromyalgia?
               Calcium               Supplements,               Osteoporosis               and               Heart               Attack
               Institute               of               Medicine;               Dietary               Reference               Intakes               for               Calcium               and               Vitamin               D
               All               Nutritional               Values               from:               Nutrition               Data;               Self.com

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