2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'toddlers milk'|Traveling with a Toddler and his Milk Protein Sensitivity Companion

About 'toddlers milk'|Traveling with a Toddler and his Milk Protein Sensitivity Companion

Stop               here               every               day               for               a               new               question               and               answer,               practical               help               for               busy               parents.

               Can               I               have               kids?

I'm               21               years               old.

I               loved               to               baby-sit               when               I               was               growing               up,               and               I               would               love               a               child               of               my               own.

I've               tried               and               tried,               but               haven't               got               pregnant.

It               frustrates               me.

Does               this               mean               I               can't               have               children?
               It               is               far               too               early               for               panic.

Many               couples               try               for               years               before               having               children.

It               is               possible               that               your               lack               of               conception               stems               from               a               medical               problem,               but               there               are               many               other               potential               reasons.
               Perhaps               the               prospective               father               has               a               low               sperm               count               or               some               sort               of               immunological               or               other               disorder               that               affects               reproduction.

In               addition,               lack               of               exercise,               poor               diet,               drug               use,               and               smoking               have               all               been               connected               to               a               decreased               likelihood               of               a               man               fathering               children.
               Women               with               sexually               transmitted               infections               or               who               are               unusually               overweight               or               underweight               are               less               likely               to               conceive.

Smoking,               stress,               heavy               alcohol               consumption,               and               poor               diet               can               also               reduce               the               odds               of               conception.
               It               is               also               quite               possible               that               your               lack               of               conception               has               no               demonstrable               medical               cause.

While               we               all               understand               the               basic               process               of               conceiving               children,               modern               science               can't               always               explain               why               some               couples               succeed               and               others               fail.

You               don't               have               to               look               very               far               to               find               stories               about               couples               who               tried               for               years               to               conceive               without               results,               then               suddenly               managed               to               have               multiple               children.
               I               know               it's               easier               for               me               to               say               this               than               for               you               to               do               it,               but               be               patient.

At               21,               you               have               time               on               your               side,               and               you               have               no               reason               to               suspect               any               serious               medical               problems.
               I               have               three               children,               ages               6,               2-1/2,               and               2               weeks.

I               still               breastfeed               the               two               younger               ones.

Does               that               sound               weird?
               Weird               is               an               incredibly               subjective               term.

I'd               go               with               "unusual."               Very               few               American               parents               still               breastfeed               by               the               time               their               kids               reach               that               age.

After               the               first               year,               most               children               require               a               lot               more               food               than               they               can               receive               from               their               mother's               milk.

They               have               also               developed               to               the               point               where               they               no               longer               truly               need               the               specialized               nutrients               found               in               breast               milk.

However,               breast               milk               remains               extremely               nutritious               for               toddlers.
               Most               of               the               concerns               about               breastfeeding               toddlers               revolve               around               social               development.

Some               people               hold               that               when               children               breastfeed               in               their               second               year               and               beyond,               they               become               too               dependent               on               their               mothers               and               find               it               more               difficult               to               develop               the               autonomy               they'll               need               later               in               life.

Opinions               on               this               topic               tend               to               be               extreme,               and               actionable               medical               evidence               is               difficult               to               find               on               either               side               of               the               argument.
               In               many               cultures,               mothers               routinely               breastfeed               their               children               for               two               years               or               longer.

However,               while               late-stage               breastfeeding               advocates               often               cite               this               fact               in               support               of               their               position,               few               take               into               account               the               effect               of               societal               and               economic               differences               between               the               Western               World               and               the               mostly               rural               and               poor               cultures               that               tend               to               breastfeed               longer.
               Bottom               line:               You               probably               aren't               doing               the               child               any               harm,               and               breastfeeding               could               strengthen               the               bond               between               mother               and               child.

Whether               this               bond               grows               at               the               expense               of               the               toddler's               closeness               with               her               father               or               other               relatives,               or               whether               it               hinders               the               child's               progress               toward               independence,               is               a               matter               of               debate.
               What               shots               will               my               baby               receive               at               her               2-month               checkup?
               Not               every               state               or               municipality               administers               the               same               shots.

For               details,               you               can               check               the               requirements               in               your               jurisdiction,               generally               dictates               from               the               state               and               from               your               local               school               district.

However,               commonly               administered               immunizations               include               DTaP               for               diptheria,               tetanus,               and               whooping               cough               as               well               as               vaccines               for               hepatitis               B,               pneumococcal               disease,               polio,               rotavirus,               and               bacterial               infections               that               can               lead               to               pneumonia               or               meningitis.
               Of               course,               the               simplest               solution               is               to               call               you               doctor.

Ask               that               physician               to               tell               you               what               immunizations               to               expect,               and               feel               free               to               ask               for               information               about               the               reasons               for               each               of               the               shots.
               Thank               you               for               reading               today's               Q&A.

Check               back               here               tomorrow               for               another               installment               of               the               Ask               The               Dad               advice               column.

If               you'd               like               to               submit               an               Ask               The               Dad               question,               send               it               to               bob@askthedad.com.

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