2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'organic 2 milk'|...food produced from GM. [2] Currently, the only food standard...non-use of GM feed is organic. The basic food industry mark, the...refuge in offering all its milk and fresh meat from non-GM feed...

About 'organic 2 milk'|...food produced from GM. [2] Currently, the only food standard...non-use of GM feed is organic. The basic food industry mark, the...refuge in offering all its milk and fresh meat from non-GM feed...

Milk               is               viewed               as               a               major               nutrient               of               the               body               from               early               childhood               in               one               form               or               another.

It               is               food               before               a               child               is               old               enough               to               absorb               any               solid               foods               and               is               a               mainstay               for               healthy               bones               and               teeth.

The               question               remains:               is               organic               milk               best               or               is               regular               milk               best?

What               is               the               difference               between               the               two?

In               order               to               be               classified               as               organic,               no               hormones               must               be               involved               and               a               cow               must               be               put               in               a               pasture               to               graze,               although               there               are               no               regulations               on               the               issue               of               grazing.

People               are               buying               more               Organic               Milk,               its               popularity               is               growing.

Simply               saying               the               word               organic               makes               a               huge               difference               in               the               price               and               the               desire               for               the               product.

Researchers               have               not               found               any               big               health               difference               although               it               is               believed               organically               feed               cows               produce               a               cancer               fighting               element               in               their               milk.

It               is               also               believed               that               organic               milk               has               60%               more               antioxidants               than               Regular               Milk.

It               has               been               demonstrated               that               cow               who               eat               soybean               and               other               grains               produce               more               cancer               fighting               agents.

It               only               stands               to               reason               if               people               ate               more               of               these               grains               the               body               would               produce               these               cancer               fighting               elements               as               well.
               With               organically               feed               cows               there               will               be               fewer               pesticides               in               the               environment,               and               it               is               documented,               the               soil               is               more               capable               of               producing               when               allowed               to               rejuvenate               naturally.

Health               benefits               have               not               really               demonstrated               that               Organic               Milk               is               better               than               Regular               Milk.

The               cost               Of               Organic               Milk               is               double               the               cost               of               Regular               Milk;               this               is               an               issue               with               some               and               not               so               much               for               others,               shelf               life               is               about               the               same               for               both               products.

Organic               milk               is               not               pasteurized;               this               can               be               a               problem               for               someone               with               immune               problems.
               Eating               organically               and               taking               care               of               the               environment               at               the               same               time               is               a               positive               action               as               a               whole.

In               some               under               developed               countries               Cattle               are               grazed               and               used               primarily               for               their               milk               products               only.

Depending               upon               the               natural               elements               of               the               earth               may               prove               better               for               the               earth               and               man               in               the               long               haul.

The               demand               for               instant               gratification               may               slow               or               stop               this               process               of               exploration,               but               further               studies               are               necessary               to               give               a               complete               view               of               the               effects               of               Organic               Milk               or               any               other               form               of               Organic               products               on               the               overall               population.

In               the               search               for               better               health               Organic               products               will               continue               to               be               on               the               increase,               milk               being               one               of               the               primary               food               staples.
               Exploring               your               world               National               Geographic               Society               (US)               Special               Publication

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organic 2 milk
organic 2 milk

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organic 2 milk

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organic 2 milk
organic 2 milk

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organic 2 milk
organic 2 milk

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organic 2 milk
organic 2 milk

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