2013년 12월 2일 월요일

About '1 fat milk nutrition facts'|Kids and Nutrition Facts

About '1 fat milk nutrition facts'|Kids and Nutrition Facts

For               years               I               alternated               between               drinking               soy               milk               and               rice               milk               due               to               a               mild               allergy               to               milk.

As               stated               in               A               Nutrition               Comparison               of               Soy               Milk               and               Rice               Milk               there               are               pros               and               cons               to               both               of               these               beverages.

In               recent               time               though               I               have               not               been               buying               these               beverages               and               instead               buying               other               alternative               non-dairy               beverages,               such               as               almond               milk.

With               this               in               mind               I               decided               to               analyze               soy               milk               and               almond               milk               to               see               which               one               is               a               more               nutritious               choice.

Here               is               the               following               nutritious               information               for               Silk               Original               Flavor               Soy               Milk               and               Silk               Pure               Almond               Original               Flavor               Unsweetened               Almond               Milk               compared.

Nutrition               Values               that               are               the               Same               
               Despite               being               derived               from               completely               different               foods,               the               soy               milk               and               almond               milk               have               some               nutrition               facts               in               common.

Both               beverages               offer               no               grams               of               cholesterol               and               no               grams               of               trans               fat.

Additionally               in               the               vitamins               and               minerals               section               of               the               soy               milk               and               almond               reveal               quite               a               few               similarities.

Both               beverages               offer               same               amount               of               vitamin               A               listing               10               %,               vitamin               C               listing               0%,               calcium               listing               45%               and               vitamin               B12               listing               50%.
               Nutrition               Values               that               Differ               
               Right               away               you               can               see               that               in               the               same               serving               size,               one               cup,               for               both               of               the               dairy               alternative               beverages               there               are               some               significant               differences.

While               the               soy               milk               has               90               calories               with               30               calories               from               fat               the               almond               milk               only               has               30               calories               with               25               calories               from               fat.

The               almond               milk               has               one               gram               less               of               total               fat,               a               quarter               of               polyunsaturated               fat               but               50%               more               monounsaturated               fat.

The               saturated               fat               for               the               soy               milk               lists               0.5               grams               while               the               almond               milk               lists               none.

There               are               30               more               milligrams               of               sodium               in               the               almond               milk               and               240               more               milligrams               of               potassium               in               the               soy               milk.

The               soy               milk               also               has               seven               more               carbohydrates               and               five               more               grams               of               protein.

Additionally               it               lists               2%               more               iron,               5%               more               of               both               vitamin               D               and               riboflavin               and               6%               more               magnesium.

However,               the               soy               milk               lists               6%               less               zinc.
               Soy               Milk               Has               It;               Almond               Milk               Does               Not
               When               comparing               any               kind               of               food               you               will               notice               that               some               lists               and               offer               some               nutrients               that               other               similar               foods               do               not.

The               soy               milk               and               almond               milk               are               no               exception.

There               a               few               things               that               the               soy               milk               lists               that               cannot               be               found               in               the               almond               milk.

First,               it               list               six               grams               of               sugars               while               the               almond               milk               lists               none.

In               the               vitamins               and               minerals               section               of               the               soy               milk               there               are               two               nutrients               listed               that               are               not               found               on               the               nutrition               facts               of               the               almond               milk:               selenium               and               folate.

The               soy               milk               lists               selenium               with               8%               and               lists               folate               with               6%.
               Almond               Milk               Has               It;               Soy               Milk               Does               Not
               Just               as               the               soy               milk               listed               three               things               that               were               not               found               in               the               almond               milk:               sugars,               selenium               and               folate.

The               almond               milk               listed               three               things               as               well,               but               all               of               them               were               in               the               vitamins               and               minerals               section.

These               were               vitamin               E,               copper               and               manganese.

The               vitamin               E               was               listed               with               50%,               the               copper               was               listed               with               2%               and               the               manganese               was               listed               with               4%.

This               meant               that               the               almond               milk               had               one               more               nutrient               in               the               minerals               and               vitamins               section,               despite               not               listing               two               nutrients               that               are               found               in               the               soy               milk.
               While               I               understand               that               it               is               completely               logical               to               compare               tastes               when               determining               which               of               the               two               beverages               is               best,               it               would               difficult               to               say.

While               I               could               argue               that               the               almond               milk               is               preferred               in               my               house               for               this               reason               alone,               it               is               a               subjective               point               and               thus               I               will               only               discuss               which               to               choose               based               on               what               they               offer               nutritionally.

Depending               on               what               you               are               looking               for               in               a               non-dairy               beverage               one               might               be               better               than               the               other.

The               almond               milk               offers               fewer               calories               so               it               could               be               a               good               choice               for               those               dieting.

However,               the               soy               milk               offers               significantly               more               protein               and               carbohydrates               which               makes               it               a               good               candidate               for               anyone               hoping               get               some               of               his               or               her               daily               protein               from               his               or               her               milk.

Anyone               minimizing               sodium               in               his               or               her               diet               would               choose               the               soy               milk               and               anyone               who               is               looking               to               decrease               his               or               her               intake               of               potassium               would               choose               the               almond               milk.

The               choice               depends               on               what               your               diet               needs.

Keep               one               thing               in               mind               though;               it               is               not               good               to               have               too               much               soy               in               your               diet.

This               is               the               whole               reason               I               started               drinking               almond               milk               and               is               one               reason               I               get               it               so               often.

Also,               keep               in               mind               that               each               brand               may               differ               slightly,               such               as               Almond               Breeze               Almond               Milk.

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1 fat milk nutrition facts
1 fat milk nutrition facts

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1 fat milk nutrition facts

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1 fat milk nutrition facts

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1 fat milk nutrition facts

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