2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'whole soy milk'|... a new love for soy milk, an appreciation of humus...unexpected liking of Soy Delicious Awesome Chocolate ice cream... much sleep, I'd call the whole adventure a success. Not only...

About 'whole soy milk'|... a new love for soy milk, an appreciation of humus...unexpected liking of Soy Delicious Awesome Chocolate ice cream... much sleep, I'd call the whole adventure a success. Not only...

From               time               to               time               I               find               myself               getting               a               food               item               from               the               company               Soy               Dream.

More               commonly               I               get               a               food               item               from               Rice               Dream,               a               sister               company.

I               have               had               happy               experiences               with               both               companies               but               in               the               past               I               have               found               myself               leaning               toward               rice               milk               than               soy               milk.

This               changed               when               my               son               started               drinking               milk               because               I               wanted               to               get               him               soy               milk,               which               I               knew               had               more               protein.

For               myself               I               had               been               getting               Rice               Dream               Shelf-Stable               Rice               Drink               and               for               my               son               found               Soy               Dream               Shelf-Stable               Soy               Milk.

The               Soy               Dream               Shelf-Stable               Soy               Milk               was               organic               and               an               original               flavor.

The               size               of               container               that               I               purchased               contained               about               four               cups               of               soy               milk,               or               4               servings.

When               I               made               a               bowl               of               cereal               for               my               son               I               did               not               use               an               entire               cup               so               I               thought               that               this               small               amount               would               be               nice               to               have               for               the               week.

I               did               not               want               to               get               a               larger               container               because               it               stayed               fresh               for               no               more               than               10               days.

Being               shelf-stable               I               had               the               option               of               buying               a               couple               small               ones               at               one               time               and               did               not               have               to               worry               about               it               expiring               quickly.

Not               knowing               how               my               son               would               like               it               though               I               decided               to               just               get               one;               even               though               my               son               had               tried               soy               milk               before               different               brands               bring               different               tastes               to               the               table.
               The               taste               with               the               Soy               Dream               Shelf-Stable               Organic               Original               Flavor               Soy               Milk               was               actually               really               good.

I               find               that               when               I               get               a               shelf-stable               soy               drink               or               rice               drink               that               there               is               a               difference               when               compared               to               buying               such               drinks               from               the               refrigerated               section.

However               what               difference               there               is               from               pre-refrigerated               soy               milks               was               mild.

Overall               I               was               happy               with               the               taste               and               my               son               did               not               seem               to               take               notice               of               the               new               brand.

I               took               note               of               this               because               I               discovered               that               on               Amazon.com               I               could               find               this               soy               milk               in               this               size               of               container               for               as               little               as               $1.06.

Before               deciding               if               I               wanted               to               commit               to               such               an               online               purchase               I               checked               out               what               the               ingredients               of               this               soy               milk.

               The               ingredients               of               Soy               Dream               Shelf-Stable               Organic               Original               Flavor               Soy               Milk               are               filtered               water,               organic               whole               soybeans,               organic               evaporated               cane               juice,               calcium               carbonate,               sea               salt,               carrageenan,               vitamin               E,               vitamin               A               palmitate,               vitamin               B12,               vitamin               D2.

This               could               not               be               more               standard               for               many               of               the               soy               milks               that               I               have               seen               and               sampled.

This               is               in               no               way               a               put               down               on               the               product,               I               was               actually               quite               pleased               with               the               ingredients.

I               was               equally               pleased               with               the               nutrition               facts               that               the               soy               milk               had               as               well.
               There               were               100               calories               with               35               calories               from               fat               in               a               cup               of               the               soy               milk.

Likewise               this               amount               contained               135               milligrams               of               sodium,               250               milligrams               of               potassium,               8               grams               of               carbohydrates,               2               grams               of               fiber,               4               grams               of               sugar,               and               7               grams               of               protein.

The               nutrition               facts               listed               10%               for               vitamin               A,               thiamin,               vitamin               B6,               folic               acid,               and               iron,               15%               for               phosphorus,               magnesium,               and               copper,               25%               for               vitamins               D               and               D,               and               it               listed               50%               for               vitamin               B12               for               a               cup               of               soy               milk               as               well.

I               definitely               have               decided               to               get               Soy               Dream               Shelf-Stable               Organic               Original               Flavor               Soy               Milk               again.

I               never               bought               it               in               bulk               only               because               I               was               unsure               how               well               it               would               hold               up               being               shipped.

I               cannot               comment               on               purchasing               it               in               bulk               but               I               can               say               that               I               would               recommend               for               anyone               to               try               it.

I               believe               I               have               one               tucked               away               in               the               cupboard               currently               in               case               I               run               out               of               soy               milk               unexpectedly.

Image of whole soy milk

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whole soy milk

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whole soy milk

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whole soy milk
whole soy milk

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whole soy milk
whole soy milk

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whole soy milk
whole soy milk

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