2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'calcium best sources'|(For)Get Milk 5 Non-Dairy Calcium Sources

About 'calcium best sources'|(For)Get Milk 5 Non-Dairy Calcium Sources

               The               expenses               of               organic               foods               are               often               mentioned               by               people               who               don't               happen               to               buy               them               very               often,               but               the               price               of               not               buying               them               might               actually               be               higher,               especially               when               you               factor               in               the               damage               it               does               to               our               environment,               and               the               damage               pesticides               can               do               to               your               health               over               time.
               While               there's               something               to               be               said               for               shopping               smart               and               not               spending               above               your               means,               it's               also               well               worth               noting               that               some               of               the               many               of               the               healthiest               organic               vegetables               can               also               be               bought               for               as               little               as               two               bucks               or               less.
               I               always               find               it               funny               (and               a               bit               sad,               of               course)               when               I               step               up               to               the               cash               register               only               to               find               that               my               giant               bouquet               of               kale               happens               to               contain               about               as               much               nutrition               as               all               of               the               food               in               the               person               in               front               of               me's               basket               combined.
               With               so               many               "super               vegetables"               available               for               so               cheap,               there's               no               excuse               not               to               pick               a               few               of               them               up               the               next               time               you're               at               the               grocery               store               or               farmer's               market.
               The               term               "superfood"               gets               thrown               around               a               little               too               much,               but               when               you               take               into               account               the               nutrient               value               and               abundance               of               these               vegetables,               it's               hard               not               to               call               them               that.
               Here               are               five               of               the               best               values               among               organic               superfood               vegetables               out               there:

Kale-               This               dark,               leafy               green               has               made               a               huge               comeback               and               is               now               one               of               the               most               popular               vegetables               in               the               entire               store               because               of               its               hard-to-beat               combination               of               nutrition               and               value.
               Kale               is               loaded               with               anti-inflammatory               and               anti-cancer               compounds               galore,               and               is               one               of               the               best               sources               of               Vitamin               K               out               there.

One               serving               also               gives               you               a               ton               of               Vitamin               C               (about               the               daily               value,               although               I               recommend               eating               Vitamin               C               throughout               the               day)               and               is               a               strong               source               of               calcium.
               It's               like               a               multi-vitamin               in               plant               form,               and               it's               versatile               enough               to               be               made               into               anything               from               a               salad               to               baked               kale               chips.
               You               can               find               organic               kale               for               as               little               as               $1.49-$1.99               a               pound.

Cilantro-               One               of               the               best               ways               to               detox               heavy               metals               from               your               system,               cilantro               also               happens               to               be               extremely               cheap               and               plentiful.

You               can               find               this               excellent               accent               to               salads,               rice,               and               other               dishes               for               as               little               as               79-99               cents               a               pound               in               the               organic               section.
               Cilantro               has               a               "love               it               or               hate               it"               kind               of               taste               according               to               some               people.

While               I               was               a               little               surprised               by               it               at               first,               the               taste               has               certainly               grown               on               me               and               I'm               now               firmly               in               the               former               category.

Parsley-               Similar               to               cilantro               in               many               ways,               including               the               price.

It's               usually               a               tough               choice               between               parsley               and               cilantro,               but               I               alternate               each               week.
               Parsley               is               excellent               for               heart               health,               protection               against               rheumatoid               arthritis,               detoxing               in               general               including               heavy               metals,               and               much               more.

It's               also               rich               in               vitamins               K,               A,               and               C.

Not               bad               for               99               cents               a               pound               in               its               organic               form.

Cabbage-               One               of               the               most               forgotten               vegetables               out               there,               and               also               one               of               the               cheapest               per               pound,               and               one               of               the               best               values               among               organic               vegetables.

You               can               get               green               cabbage               for               as               little               as               99               cents               a               pound               if               you               know               where               to               look,               although               it               is               usually               in               the               $1.49-$1.99               range.

You               can               probably               get               it               cheaper               at               the               most               farmer's               markets,               however.
               It's               also               high               in               Vitamin               K               and               C,               as               well               as               anti-cancer               compounds.

Cabbage               is               also               a               great               source               of               silica               for               healthy               hair,               skin               and               nails,               and               excellent               in               soups               as               well               as               raw               (once               you               get               used               to               it).

Green               Onions-               The               epitome               of               a               budget               organic               vegetable,               green               onions               not               only               clock               in               at               less               than               a               dollar               a               pound,               they               also               replenish               themselves               over               and               over               again.

That's               right,               you               can               actually               re-grow               them               from               scraps               on               your               windowsill.
               Green               onions               offer               a               wide               range               of               health               benefits               as               well,               including               the               ability               to               fight               infections,               sore               throats               and               the               common               cold,               nasal               congestion,               and               even               swollen               feet.

They               also               happen               to               be               my               favorite               salad               accent,               so               I               always               make               sure               I               have               plenty               on               hand.
               To               learn               how               to               re-grow               your               green               onions               from               scraps,               check               out               this               article.
               Thanks               for               reading!
               -Nick               Meyer

What               are               your               favorite               deals               at               the               farmer's               market               or               grocery               store               on               organic               produce?

Let               us               know               in               the               comments               below!
               First               published               on               Nick's               website               www.AltHealthWORKS.com,               this               article               can               be               viewed               in               its               entirety               by               clicking               on               this               link               .

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