2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Kamilah Santi 's blog ::Cheap Milk Powder for Toddlers

Kamilah Santi 's blog ::Cheap Milk Powder for Toddlers

This               is               a               fun               and               language-rich               game               for               toddlers               that               I               call               Night               Night,               Baby.

               baby               doll               
               toy               baby               crib               
               baby               doll               blanket               
               baby               doll               bottle               
               baby               doll               bathtub               
               board               books
               How               to               Play               the               Game

Tell               your               toddlers               that               they               are               going               to               put               their               baby               dolls               to               bed,               but               the               babies               are               hungry.

Ask,               "What               should               we               do?"               Wait               a               moment,               giving               your               toddlers               time               to               process               the               question               and               formulate               an               answer.

Some               may               sign               "milk"               or               "eat."               Others               toddlers               may               hold               up               a               toy               baby               bottle.

Still               others               might               verbalize               their               answer.

Praise               every               effort,               but               encourage               your               toddlers               to               say,               "Bottle               for               baby,"               as               they               hold               the               babies               in               their               arms               and               pretend               to               feed               them.

Praise               every               child's               effort.

Now               tell               your               toddlers               that               the               baby               dolls               need               baths               before               bedtime.

Ask,               "What               do               we               need               to               give               baby               a               bath?"               Again,               some               toddlers               might               show               you               the               toy               bathtub               and               washcloth,               others               might               sign               and               some               will               verbalize               their               answers.

Letting               your               students               take               turns               giving               their               dolls               pretends               baths,               encourage               them               to               say,               "Bath               time               for               baby."               Praise               all               verbal               and               non-verbal               efforts.

Before               bedtime,               you               will               want               to               read               the               baby               dolls               a               story.

Ask               your               toddlers,               "What               do               we               need               to               read               a               story               to               the               babies?"               Wait               for               the               signs,               points               and               verbalizations               of               the               word               "book."               Praise               your               students               for               their               answers.

Hand               a               board               book               to               each               student,               saying,               "Here's               a               book               for               Emily,"               and               so               on               until               all               of               your               toddlers               have               one.

Have               your               toddlers               hold               their               baby               dolls               in               their               laps.

Now               tell               them               to               pick               up               and               open               the               book,               saying               "Read,               read,               read"               to               the               baby               dolls.

Some               may               have               the               words               memorized               and               be               able               to               really               "read"               the               story!

Finally,               encourage               your               students               to               say               "the               end"               and               close               the               board               books.

Tell               your               students,               "It's               time               to               put               the               babies               to               bed.

What               do               we               need?"               Let               them               answer               you               with               signs,               points               or               words,               but               afterwards               encourage               each               of               them               to               say               the               words               "bed"               and               "blanket."               Let               your               students               put               their               baby               dolls               in               the               toy               cribs.

Instruct               them               to               say               the               words,               "night               night,               baby"               or               whatever               bedtime               phrase               you               prefer.

After               the               activity               (while               the               baby               dolls               are               sleeping),               hold               up               an               item               that               was               used,               such               as               the               towel.

Say               the               word               "towel"               and               ask               each               student,               one               by               one,               to               repeat               the               word.

Do               this               with               more               items               until               your               toddlers               begin               to               lose               interest.
               Encourage               your               students'               attempts               at               saying               words               throughout               this               activity.

Always               say,               "Good               talking!"               or               "Good               words!"

Image of toddlers milk

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toddlers milk

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toddlers milk

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toddlers milk

toddlers milk Image 3

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toddlers milk

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toddlers milk
toddlers milk

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