2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'what is dairy products good for'|...valid reasons for being a vegetarian.) Or maybe... are good food. Legumes..., or with dairy products, make a complete protein...

About 'what is dairy products good for'|...valid reasons for being a vegetarian.) Or maybe... are good food. Legumes..., or with dairy products, make a complete protein...

Whether               you               have               allergies               to               diary               products               or               you               are               choosing               to               have               a               dairy               free               diet               it               is               nice               to               know               what               you               need               to               look               for               in               terms               of               ingredients.

While               some               of               the               ingredients               listed               will               be               obviously               dairy               there               are               some               ingredients               that               are               misleading               in               making               you               think               that               they               are               dairy               free               or               are               not               dairy               at               all               but               their               name               makes               it               appear               that               they               are.

Ingredients               in               Alphabetical               Order               That               are               Dairy
               Acidophilus               milk               
               Ammonium               Caseinate               
               Artificial               butter               flavor               
               Butter               Fat               
               Butter               Oil               
               Butter               Solids               Buttermilk               
               Calcium               caseinate               
               Cheese               (All)               
               Condensed               Milk               
               Cottage               Cheese               
               Whey               Demineralized               Whey               
               Dry               milk               powder               
               Dry               milk               solids               
               Evaporated               milk               
               Goat's               milk               
               Hydrolyzed               Casein               
               Hydrolyzed               Milk               Protein               
               Iron               Caseinate               
               Lactalbumin               Phosphate               
               Magnesium               Caseinate               
               Malted               Milk               
               Milk               (whole,               lowfat,               and               skim)               
               Milk               Derivative               
               Milk               Fat               
               Milk               Powder               
               Milk               Protein               
               Milk               Solids               
               Potassium               Caseinate               
               Ready               Sponge               
               Rennet               Casein               
               Sodium               Caseinate               
               Sodium               Lactylate               
               Sour               Cream               
               Sour               Milk               Solids               
               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               
               Whey               Powder               
               Whey               Protein               Concentrate               
               Whey               Protein               Hydrolysate               
               Zinc               Caseinate
               Now               there               are               some               ingredients               that               you               will               find               that               are               not               definite               dairy               products.

It               will               depend               on               the               vagueness               of               the               ingredient               that               is               listed,               possibly               the               manufacturing               process               and               there               may               only               be               a               trace               of               amount               that               would               not               normally               result               in               allergies.

A               good               way               to               know               if               something               is               truly               dairy               free               is               to               see               if               the               packaging               is               labeled               parve               or               P               and               of               course               if               it               list               allergens               and               list               dairy.
               Ingredients               That               Have               the               Potential               of               Having               Dairy               in               Them
               Artificial               Flavors               or               Flavoring,               Natural               Flavors               or               Flavoring               and               High               Protein               Flour               -               As               very               vague               ingredients               they               may               very               well               be               derived               from               a               dairy               product.

               Brown               Sugar               Flavoring               -               The               dairy               content               will               depend               on               the               process               that               it               was               manufactured.

               Caramel               Color,               Caramel               Flavoring,               Coconut               Cream               Flavoring               and               Natural               Egg               Flavor               -               Also               all               depend               upon               the               manufacturing               process.

               Galactose               -               Though               this               is               often               tolerable               for               people               lactose               intolerant               it               is               a               lactose               product.

               Ghee               -               Generally               ghee               is               pure               butter               fat               with               no               protein               or               sugars,               but               it               may               contain               traces               of               dairy.

               Hydrolyzed               Vegetable               Protein               -               Another               thing               that               does               not               often               cause               allergies               but               the               processing               phase               may               use               casein.

               Lactic               Acid               Starter               Culture               -               Not               to               be               confused               with               Lactic               Acid               this               may               contain               milk.

               Margarine               -               Most               brands               are               found               with               milk               proteins               in               them.

               Protein               -               There               are               cases               where               the               protein               that               an               ingredient               is               referring               to               is               often               milk.

Particularly               high               energy               foods               with               added               protein.

               Fat               Replacers               -               Dairy-Lo®               and               Simplesse®               are               such               brands               that               are               made               with               milk               protein.

               Soy               Cheese               -               Often               lactose               free,               but               many               kinds               often               contains               milk               protein.

               Non-Dairy               -               Oddly               enough               this               does               not               mean               dairy               free.

It               simply               indicates               that               there               is               1/2%               or               less               of               milk               by               weight.
               There               are               some               ingredients               that               will               appear               to               be               dairy               food               items               but               they               are               in               fact               not.
               Ingredients               That               Appear               to               Be               Dairy               Ingredients               But               are               Dairy               Free
               Calcium               Lactate               
               Calcium               Propionate               
               Calcium               Stearoyl               
               Cocoa               Butter               
               Cocoa               Powder               
               Cream               of               Tartar               
               Lactic               Acid               
               Lecithin               Oleoresin               
               Sodium               Lactate               
               Sodium               Stearoyl               Lactylate
               The               longer               that               you               are               dairy               free               the               easier               it               will               be               to               remember               what               is               dairy,               what               might               be               dairy               and               what               isn't               dairy.

You               will               also               begin               to               know               what               foods               that               you               should               look               for               that               have               the               potential               of               having               dairy               in               them,               even               though               they               may               not               seem               like               a               type               of               food               that               you               immediately               don't               think               of               when               you               think               of               what               has               dairy               in               it.
               Bread,               donuts               and               biscuits               usually               will               have               dairy               in               them.

When               you               are               shopping               for               bread               you               will               often               notice               the               word               whey               in               the               list               of               ingredients,               which               of               course               is               considered               dairy.

Your               sweet               tooth               may               not               want               to               hear               this               but               chocolate,               many               candies,               chips               and               a               variety               of               other               junk               food               often               are               not               dairy               free.

You               may               have               to               change               your               breakfast               choices               because               many               cereals,               brands               of               pre-made               waffle               and               pancakes               as               well               as               the               mixes               contain               dairy.
               Such               food               items               like               salad               dressings               may               contain               dairy.

Canned               soups               and               soup               mixes               are               another               example               of               foods               that               often               contain               dairy.

Chips,               instant               hot               drinks,               pie               fillings,               hot               dogs               and               many               processed               meat               ares               just               a               few               more               examples               of               foods               that               you               will               want               to               read               the               label               of               carefully               because               they               often               are               not               dairy               free.

Again               the               longer               that               you               are               dairy               free               the               easier               it               will               be               to               shop               for               things               that               do               not               contain               dairy.

Image of what is dairy products good for

what is dairy products good for
what is dairy products good for

what is dairy products good for Image 1

what is dairy products good for
what is dairy products good for

what is dairy products good for Image 2

what is dairy products good for
what is dairy products good for

what is dairy products good for Image 3

what is dairy products good for
what is dairy products good for

what is dairy products good for Image 4

what is dairy products good for
what is dairy products good for

what is dairy products good for Image 5

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