2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'balanced diet and nutrition'|HCG Hormone, Lose Weight with Dr. King’s HCG Diet and Nutrition Program in Pasadena, CA

About 'balanced diet and nutrition'|HCG Hormone, Lose Weight with Dr. King’s HCG Diet and Nutrition Program in Pasadena, CA

In               today's               hectic               world,               women               face               unique               challenges               when               it               comes               to               eating               a               healthy               diet.

Below               are               ten               tips               on               how               to               achieve               a               balanced               diet               that               reflects               a               woman's               special               needs.


To               protect               their               bones               and               reduce               their               risk               of               developing               osteoporosis,               women               need               at               least               1,000               milligrams               of               calcium               daily               (and               post-menopausal               women               should               get               up               to               1,500               milligrams).

Therefore,               women               should               be               sure               to               incorporate               healthy               calcium-rich               foods,               like               low-fat               milk,               yogurt               and               cheese               into               their               diets               every               day.

Sufficient               vitamin               D               and               magnesium               are               critical               in               a               balanced               diet               for               women,               since               they               are               needed               for               the               absorption               of               calcium.

Vitamin               D               comes               from               the               sun,               but               also               can               be               provided               by               fortified               foods               like               orange               juice               and               milk.

Magnesium               is               found               in               green               vegetable,               nuts,               and               legumes.

Women               must               be               aware               of               heart               health.

There               is               an               increasing               recognition               that               heart               disease               is               a               significant               health               risk               for               women               as               well               as               men.

As               a               result,               women               should               be               sure               to               eat               a               heart-healthy,               balanced               diet               that               is,               among               other               things,               low               in               saturated               fats               and               high               in               fruits               and               vegetables.

Given               their               busy               schedules               and               child               care               responsibilities,               many               women               find               themselves               skipping               meals               and               filling               up,               instead,               on               snacks.

This               pattern               may               be               unavoidable,               but               replacing               salty,               high-fat               foods               with               nutritional               snacks               like               fruit               or               yogurt               can               contribute               to               a               healthy,               balanced               diet               for               women.

When               women               embark               on               a               diet               to               lose               weight,               they               should               diet               smart               so               as               to               create               the               best               opportunity               for               success               near               term               and               long               term.

Many               studies               show               that               a               weight-loss               diet               that               results               in               lasting               weight               control               is               one               that               incorporates               new,               healthy               habits               (and               exercise)               that               can               be               maintained               after               the               diet               ends.

That               means               emphasizing               a               reduced-calorie,               balanced               diet               that               includes               a               variety               of               healthy               foods.

For               women,               breakfast               really               is               the               most               important               meal               of               the               day.

It               can               make               all               the               difference               in               energy               levels               and               productivity               during               the               day               and               in               weight               control.

It               is               easy               to               eat               healthy               at               breakfast.

Yogurt;               low-sugar,               whole-grain               cereal               or               oatmeal               with               milk;               orange               juice;               whole-wheat               toast;               and               fruit               all               are               easy               and               healthy               breakfast               foods.

Women               who               eat               lunch               at               work               should               plan               their               lunch               menus               as               thoughtfully               as               they               do               the               menu               for               the               evening               meal.

Bringing               a               salad               with               chicken               or               tuna,               nuts,               beans,               or               vegetables               can               be               a               healthy               and               satisfying               alternative               to               eating               out               or               getting               takeout.

Fruit               and               yogurt               also               are               good               choices.

Water               is               a               great               beverage               option               and               a               good               replacement               for               soda               (even               diet               soda)               for               women.

It               is               filling,               has               no               calories               and               is               good               for               the               skin               and               general               health.

As               much               as               possible,               women's               balanced               diets               should               incorporate               fresh,               rather               than               processed               foods,               including               plenty               of               natural               foods               and               fruits               and               vegetables.

Food               writer               Michael               Pollan's               rules               like               don't               buy               processed               foods               with               more               than               five               ingredients               or               with               ingredients               you               can't               pronounce               (which               probably               are               preservatives               or               chemicals)               can               be               helpful               guidelines.

A               well-balanced               diet               doesn't               have               to               mean               a               flavorless               diet               with               no               indulgences.

In               fact,               indulgence               should               have               its               place               in               a               healthy               diet.

For               example,               chocolate               and               wine,               in               moderation,               have               been               shown               to               have               some               important               physical               benefits,               to               say               nothing               of               pleasure               they               bring               us.
               www.dietsurf.com,               Diets               for               Women
               Daniel               J.

DeNoon,               www.webmd.com,               Michael               Pollan's               7               Rules               for               Eating
               www.helpguide.org,               Good               Nutrition               for               Women:               Guide               to               Lifelong               Healthy               Eating

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