레이블이 Skin Milk Calories인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Skin Milk Calories인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'skin milk nutrition facts'|The Raw Milk Conspiracy – Short Facts!

About 'skin milk nutrition facts'|The Raw Milk Conspiracy – Short Facts!

More               and               more               people               today               are               being               diagnosed               with               a               vitamin               D               deficiency.

Are               you               one               of               them?

I               was               diagnosed               with               low               vitamin               D               a               couple               of               years               ago.

My               doctor               put               me               on               a               short               term               prescription               strength               vitamin               D,               which               she               referred               to               as               a               "jump               start".

She               also               recommended               an               over               the               counter               vitamin               D               supplement,               which               I               am               to               take               forever.

If               you               prefer               not               to               take               supplements               or               want               to               increase               your               vitamin               D               in               other               ways,               you               have               several               options.
               The               best               and               cheapest               way               to               increase               your               vitamin               D               is               sun               exposure.

Make               it               a               habit               to               take               a               walk,               sit,               or               work               outside               in               full               sun               for               20               minutes               everyday.

Wear               a               swim               suit,               or               shorts               and               a               sleeveless               top               for               maximum               exposure.
               If               exposure               to               full               sun               is               difficult               for               you,               there               are               two               artificial               options.

A               vitamin               D               lamp               is               a               good               option,               but               rather               costly.

I               recently               purchased               one               for               around               $250.

The               advantage               to               the               vitamin               D               lamp               is               that               it               is               always               available,               which               is               especially               good               when               you               live               in               the               northern               section               of               the               United               States.

When               using               the               vitamin               D               lamp,               you               absolutely               must               wear               protective               eye               wear               and               be               careful               not               to               over               expose.

The               recommended               length               of               time               is               three               times               a               week,               for               five               minutes               per               session.

Again,               the               more               skin               exposed               the               more               vitamin               D               absorbed.

In               the               privacy               of               your               home,               you               can               strip               down.

Tanning               booths               also               provide               UV               light               and               will               increase               your               vitamin               D               levels.
               Many               foods               are               rich               in               vitamin               D,               some               naturally               and               some               enriched.

Good               sources               of               vitamin               D               are:               cow's               milk,               soy               milk,               salmon,               sardines,               catfish,               tuna,               shiitake               and               button               mushrooms               to               name               a               few.

Some               other               foods               such               as               some               orange               juice               have               vitamin               D               added.

Check               labels               to               see               if               vitamin               D               is               added.

Before               I               was               diagnosed               with               a               low               vitamin               D               level,               I               thought               all               cheese               and               yogurt               were               high               in               vitamin               D               because               they               are               made               from               cow's               milk.

Unfortunately,               I               was               wrong.

Most               cheese               and               yogurt               are               made               from               cow's               milk               that               does               not               have               vitamin               D               added.

If               you               are               using               cheese               and               yogurt               to               supplement               your               vitamin               D               be               sure               to               read               the               "Nutrition               Facts"               on               the               label               to               check               if               it               has               any               vitamin               D.
               Symptoms               of               a               vitamin               D               deficiency               can               be               bone               pain               and               muscle               weakness.

If               you               think               you               might               be               suffering               from               low               vitamin               D               you               can               have               a               simple               blood               test               done.

Make               an               appointment               with               your               family               physician               or               an               endocrinologist.

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