레이블이 Good Nutrition Facts인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Good Nutrition Facts인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'important facts about nutrition'|Nutrition It's Important To Know How Much Sugar To Consume

About 'important facts about nutrition'|Nutrition It's Important To Know How Much Sugar To Consume

Feta               cheese               is               an               important               ingredient               in               Greek               cooking.

It's               used               in               salads,               dressings,               and               stuffings               as               well               as               with               chicken,               fish,               and               seafood.

In               fact,               it's               found               in               practically               every               category               of               Greek               food.

The               Greek               tradition               of               feta               cheese               dates               back               to               the               ancient               Greeks,               making               feta               one               of               the               oldest               cheeses               produced.

The               Greek               poet,               Homer               even               mentions               feta               in               his               epic,               the               Odyssey.

How               Feta               is               Made
               Feta               cheese               is               traditionally               made               from               goat's               or               sheep's               milk.

To               make               feta,               milk               is               heated               until               the               curds               and               the               whey               separate.

The               curd               is               then               hung               and               allowed               to               dry               for               several               hours.

After               that,               it               is               cut               into               cubes,               salted,               and               packed               in               brine               in               large               curing               barrels.

It               is               cured               in               brine               for               at               least               three               months,               often               longer.

Feta               is               an               off-white               color,               is               slightly               salty,               and               can               range               in               taste               from               somewhat               mild               to               tangy.

Since               2002,               feta               is               a               protected               designation               of               Greece,               similar               to               France's               Champagne               and               Cognac               designations.

Although               similar               cheeses               are               made               in               Bulgaria,               France,               and               Romania,               among               other               places,               any               cheese               called               feta               must               be               made               in               Greece.

This               government               control               also               set               standards               for               feta               production               and               has               gone               a               long               way               to               standardizing               quality.

               Feta               is               approximately               25               percent               fat,               of               which               about               two-thirds               is               saturated               fat.

It               is               high               in               protein               and               also               somewhat               high               in               sodium.

Most               of               the               salt               is               in               the               brine               and               the               feta's               sodium               content               can               be               reduced               substantially               by               rinsing               or               soaking               the               cheese               in               water.

Feta               is               a               good               source               of               calcium               and               vitamin               B12.

A               1.25               oz               cube               of               feta               has               about               100               calories.
               Where               to               Find               Feta               
               Feta               cheese               is               reasonably               easy               to               find               in               most               areas,               but               the               quality               varies.

If               you               are               lucky               enough               to               have               a               Greek               or               Mediterranean               market               in               your               area,               it's               worth               the               extra               trip               to               get               fresh               feta.

It's               not               usually               much               more               expensive               than               the               prepackaged               grocery-store               variety,               since               you               aren't               paying               for               all               that               packaging.

If               you're               not               able               to               find               feta               in               your               area,               iGourmet               has               a               large               selection               of               feta               and               other               Greek               cheeses               available               online.

Feta               cheese               will               keep               for               several               months               in               its               brine,               stored               in               the               refrigerator.
               Cooking               with               Feta               
               Feta               cheese               is               traditional               cut               in               cubes               atop               a               classic               Greek               salad               or               melted               on               top               of               baked               chicken               or               shrimp.

See               a               recipe               for               Shrimp               with               Feta               below.

It               can               also               be               served               by               itself,               cut               in               cubes               with               Kalamata               olives               and               pita               wedges               as               an               appetizer,               or               used               to               spice               up               sauces               and               salad               dressings.
               Baked               Shrimp               with               Feta
               The               salty               tang               of               feta               cheese               is               a               natural               accompaniment               to               the               delicate               shrimp               in               this               dish.

The               tomatoes               add               color               and               a               warm,               fresh-from-the-garden               taste.

Called               Garithes               Youvetsi               in               Greek,               most               sources               say               that               this               dish               became               popular               in               the               1960s               with               the               advent               of               widespread               tourism               to               the               Greek               islands.

It               was               an               instant               hit,               and               is               now               favored               by               locals               and               tourists               alike.

Serve               this               dish               with               a               loaf               of               crusty               Greek               bread.

Serves               4.

               ·               2               Medium               Onions,               Thinly               Sliced               
               ·               1/2               C.

Olive               Oil               
               ·               2               lbs.

Tomatoes,               Coarsely               Chopped               
               ·               1/2               C.

Dry               White               Wine               
               ·               2               tsp.

Freshly               Ground               Sea               Salt               
               ·               1/4               tsp.

Freshly               Ground               Black               Pepper               
               ·               2               Garlic               Cloves,               Minced               
               ·               2               lbs.

Raw               Shrimp,               Shelled               and               Deveined               
               ·               1/2               lb.

Feta               Cheese               
               ·               Chopped               Broad-Leafed               Parsley
               Preheat               oven               to               400               degrees               F.
               While               the               oven               is               heating,               heat               the               olive               oil               in               a               medium               oven-proof               casserole               over               medium               heat.

Add               the               onion               and               garlic               and               saute               until               the               onion               is               translucent,               about               5-7               minutes
               Stir               in               the               tomatoes               and               cook               until               they               are               soft,               about               5               more               minutes.

Stir               in               the               wine               and               season               with               salt               and               pepper.

Cook               gently               for               another               10               minutes.

Add               the               shrimp               and               cook               until               the               shrimp               turns               pink,               about               another               2               minutes.
               Crumble               the               feta               cheese               on               top               of               the               mixture.

Place               the               casserole               in               the               oven               and               bake               for               about               3               minutes,               or               until               the               cheese               has               melted.

Sprinkle               with               chopped               parsley               and               serve               immediately.
               This               dish               can               also               be               made               in               individual               ramekins               for               an               elegant               dinner               party               presentation.

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important facts about nutrition

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important facts about nutrition

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important facts about nutrition

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important facts about nutrition

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    2013년 11월 25일 월요일

    About 'what is a good nutrition'|... and can be a good investment. One last bit...young athletes is to learn everything you can...of training; nutrition - what kinds of ...

    About 'what is a good nutrition'|... and can be a good investment. One last bit...young athletes is to learn everything you can...of training; nutrition - what kinds of ...

                   Kale               a               bright               leafy               green               vegetable               that               once               you               look               at               it               you               wonder               if               it               is               edible               at               all               or               if               it               is               even               good               for               you.

    Kale               has               curly               leaves               with               thick               stems               belonging               to               the               family               Cruciferae.

    They               are               mainly               grown               for               greens               and               for               fodder.

    Kale               is               a               cool               weather               crop.

    It               has               been               known               that               frost               improves               the               crop.

    Long               island               and               Virginia               are               the               principal               and               commercial               regions               for               growing               kale.
                   Kale               is               definitely               an               edible               plant               which               comes               from               the               cabbage.

    Common               types               of               kale               have               stems               that               grow               up               to               2ft               long               and               carry               a               rosette               of               elongated,               dark               bluish               green,               wavy               or               frilled               leaves.

    It               is               an               interesting               type               of               green.

    Kale               can               be               used               for               decorative               salad               sides               or               boiled               to               serve.
                   Kale               is               highly               nutritious.

    It               is               very               high               in               beta               carotene,               vitamin               K,               vitamin               C,               and               reasonably               rich               in               calcium.

    Since               it               is               high               in               vitamin               K,               patients               taking               anti-coagulants               like               warfarin               are               encouraged               to               avoid               eating               kale;               because               it               increases               the               vitamin               K               concentration               in               the               blood;               these               medications               are               often               attempting               to               lower               vitamin               K.

    Of               course,               if               one               is               on               medications               it               is               always               good               practice               to               ask               your               doctor               what               foods               are               good               to               eat               with               the               medications.
                   Kale               also               contains               sulforaphane,               which               is               a               chemical               believed               to               have               potent               anti-cancer               properties,               especially               when               chopped.
                   Tender               kale               greens               can               provide               a               great               addition               to               salads,               especially               with               dry-roasted               peanuts,               tamari-roasted               almonds               or               red               pepper               flakes.
                   Cooking               Kale
                   In               Portugal,               a               traditional               Portuguese               soup               combines               pureed               potatoes,               diced               kale,               olive               oil,               broth,               and               sliced               cooked               spicy               sausage.
                   In               southeastern               Africa,               kale               is               typically               boiled               with               coconut               milk               and               ground               peanut.

    Then               served               with               rice               or               boiled               cornmeal.
                   Kale               makes               a               wonderful               garnish               to               your               finished               dishes               of               pasta,               creamed               soup,               meat               or               fish               platters.
                   For               breakfast,               sauté               tomato,               onions,               sausage,               and               kale               leaves               with               olive               oil               in               small               frying               pan.

    Sauté               in               medium               heat               2               ½               minutes.

    Then               add               egg               batter               (one               or               two               eggs)               to               the               sauté               and               you               have               a               delicious               breakfast               with               two               heart-healthy               wheat               bread               toasts               on               the               side.

    Orange               juice               or               coffee               beverage               with               any               breakfast               completes               the               early               dine.
                   So               next               time               you               see               this               beautiful               leafy               green,               you               will               know               that               kale               is               good               for               you.

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