레이블이 Horizon 2% Milk Nutrition Facts인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Horizon 2% Milk Nutrition Facts인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'milk nutrition facts 2'|..., cows (2 kinds of cows...and goats are milked and this product provides... important part of the nutrition. The people drink and eat it...

About 'milk nutrition facts 2'|..., cows (2 kinds of cows...and goats are milked and this product provides... important part of the nutrition. The people drink and eat it...

Fast               food               restaurants               can               offer               a               lot               more               than               just               a               quick               meal.

They               can               load               up               your               plate               and               your               body               with               hundreds               or               even               thousands               of               calories               and               unhealthy               fats.

In               our               fast               paced               society               where               there               is               just               not               enough               time,               we               struggle               to               provide               meals               for               ourselves               and               for               our               families.

It               is               sometimes               much               easier               and               more               convenient               to               stop               on               our               way               home               to               pick               up               a               little               something,               then               it               is               to               prepare               a               meal               that               could               take               hours.

Much               has               been               written               about               unhealthy               choices               that               people               sometimes               make               and               the               price               to               your               health               that               those               choices               can               cost.

With               a               little               time               and               reading               you               can               find               good,               healthy               fare               to               eat               that               will               be               convenient               and               good               for               you.

Most               restaurants               are               happy               to               provide               smart,               healthy               choices               for               their               patrons               along               with               the               high               calorie               laden               standards               so               often               chosen.

Obesity               in               our               country               is               at               an               all               time               high               and               changes               must               be               made               not               only               for               ourselves               but               for               our               children.

I               have               listed               a               few               of               these               foods               to               make               your               choices               a               bit               easier.

McDonald's               You               can               have               your               MckyDee's               and               still               be               happy               when               you               choose               wisely.

A               'Premium               Grilled               Chicken               Classic               Sandwich'               (without               mayo)               is               only               370               calories               with               4.5g.of               fat               along               with               32g.of               protein.

There               is               also               the               'Bacon               Ranch               Salad               With               Grilled               Chicken'               before               the               dressing               that               has               only               260               calories               and               9g.

of               fat               and               33g.

of               protein.

One               more               option               would               be               the               'Caesar               Salad               With               Grilled               Chicken'               also               before               the               dressing               is               added.

This               will               cost               only               220               calories,               6g.

of               fat               and               give               you               a               whopping               30g.of               protein.

Always               ask               to               either               leave               off               the               dressing               or               at               least               have               it               on               the               side.
               Burger               King               has               it's               'Tendergrill               Chicken               Sandwich'               without               sauce               for               400               calories,7g.

of               fat               and               36               g.

of               protein.The               new               'Angus               Steak               Burger'               also               comes               without               the               bun,               mayo               or               sauce               for               270               calories,18g.of               fat               and               23g.of               protein.

They               have               a               'BK               Veggie               Burger'               (without               mayo)               for               340               calories               and               only               8g.of               fat.

'The               Tendergrill               Chicken               Garden               Salad'               (without               dressing               of               course)               contains               only               240               calories,9g.of               fat               and               33g.

of               protein.There               is               a               BK               Veggie               Burger               (without               mayo)               with               340               calories,               8g.fat               and               23g.of               protein.

You               may               also               order               the               side-salad               which               contains               only               15               calories.

You               may               add               extras               but               the               calories               will               begin               to               add               up.

You               can               order               'Ken's               Light               Italian               Dressing'               for               an               additional               120               calories,               and               'Garlic               Croutons'               for               60               calories.

Most               big               name               facilities               will               also               offer               diet               soda               or               bottled               water               for               a               drink               choice.
               Jack               In               The               Box               has               some               great               choices               for               low               cal-               high               quality               meals.

There               is               the               'Asian               Chicken               Salad'               (no               won-ton               strips,               please)               With               Almonds               and               Low               fat               Balsamic               Dressing'               for               290               calories               and               12g.of               fat               and               19g.of               protein.

They               have               a               great               'Chicken               Sandwich'               (without               mayo),               a               side               salad               (no               croutons)               and               Low-fat               Balsamic               Dressing               for               410               calories,16g.fat               and               18g.protein.

One               more               choice               is               A               'Chicken               Fajita               Pita               With               Salsa'               only               305               calories,10g.of               fat               and               23g.protein.
               Arby's               offers               it's               'Regular               Roast               Beef               Sandwich'               for               320               calories,14g.fat               and               21g.protein.

They               also               have               a               "Martha's               Vineyard               Salad'               with               Light               Buttermilk               Dressing'               for               277               cals.

8g.fat               and               26g.protein.

If               you               choose               to               do               so               you               may               also               order               their               'Medium               Roast               Beef               Sandwich'               that               has               a               few               more               calories               coming               in               at               415               calories.
               Wendy's               has               a               great               healthy               selection               menu.

You               can               order               it's               'Ultimate               Chicken               grill               Sandwich'               with               370               calories,8g.fat               and               33g.protein.

They               have               a               plain               'Baked               Potato               with               Buttery               Best               Spread               and               a               Side               Salad               with               a               fat               free               French               dressing               for               435               cal.

Another               option               for               that               potato               s               to               top               it               with               Wendy's               great               low-cal               chili.

You               can               also               order               it's               two               quarter-pound               'Classic               Singles               without               the               bun               or               sauce               toppings               for               a               whopping               38g.

of               protein               and               28g.


Children's               Menu               Choices               at               Wendy's               will               make               you               smile               too.

You               can               order               your               choice               of               a               turkey               and               cheese               sandwich               or               a               ham               and               cheese               sandwich               with               fruit               on               the               side               instead               of               fat               laden               fries.

You               can               also               replace               the               soda               with               low-fat               milk,               either               chocolate               or               white.
               Kentucky               Fried               Chicken               offers               it's               'Tender               Roast               Sandwich'               without               sauce               of               course,               for               300               cals.37g.of               protein.

They               have               a               'Roasted               Chicken               Salad'               (no               sauce               or               croutons)               with               220               cals.

8g.fat               and               30g.of               protein.

This               one               sounds               yummy               though               I               have               yet               to               try               it,               a               'Roasted               BLT               Salad',               no               dressing,               200cals.

and               29g.

of               protein.
               Carl's               Jr.

has               a               great               BBQ               Chicken               Sandwich               for               360               cals.

or               you               may               choose               it's               very               popular               'Low               Carb               Six               Million               Dollar               Burger'               with               no               bun               for               490               calories,6g.of               fat               and               33g.

               Remember               when               ordering               out               to               leave               off               the               dressings               and               cheeses               or               croutons.

These               really               raise               your               calorie               count.

Use               mustards               and               ketchup               for               flavor.

Chicken               and               fish               are               great               choices               but               only               if               they               are               grilled               not               breaded               or               deep-fried.

Order               your               sandwich               without               cheese.

Cheese               adds               many               calories               and               unwanted               fat               to               your               diet.

Opt               instead               for               extra               lettuce,               onion,               pickles               and               tomato               slices.

These               are               filling,               low               calorie               and               delicious.

When               you               have               the               option,               salads               or               soups               without               all               of               the               extras               are               excellent               choices               to               fill               you               up               with               few               calories               and               not               much               fat.

If               what               you               want               is               not               available               at               your               local               fast-food               place,               express               your               desires               and               needs               to               the               store               manager.

In               most               instances               they               will               be               more               than               happy               to               accommodate               you.

Remember               you               can               eat               out               with               ease               without               all               of               the               calories               and               the               expanding               waistline.

The               choice               is               yours.

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