레이블이 Calories in Nesquik Chocolate Milk인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Calories in Nesquik Chocolate Milk인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'nesquik chocolate milk nutrition facts'|Food fights, mealtime messes, and amazing art

About 'nesquik chocolate milk nutrition facts'|Food fights, mealtime messes, and amazing art

My               niece               is               a               very               picky               eater,               and               apparently               equally               picky               when               it               comes               to               beverages.

It               is               not               uncommon               for               her               mom               to               pack               her               a               lunch               or               dinner               when               they               go               to               family               gatherings               or               eat               a               meal               right               before               they               come.

Over               the               years               something               that               I               have               seen               with               her               is               a               single               serving               of               chocolate               milk               or               more               regularly               strawberry               milk.

I               do               not               recall               drinking               store               bought               strawberry               milk               as               a               kid               and               not               at               all               as               an               adult               but               I               do               have               a               fond               appreciation               for               a               strawberry               smoothie               so               I               understand               the               appeal.

When               I               was               a               kid               we               had               a               huge               strawberry               patch               in               the               garden               and               had               strawberry               smoothies               regularly               in               the               summer.

I               am               sure               that               strawberry               milk               from               the               grocery               store               fridge               does               not               compare               to               a               fresh               strawberry               smoothie,               but               tastes               aside               I               wanted               to               know               what               such               a               drink               had               to               offer               nutritiously.

More               importantly               I               wanted               to               know               if               strictly               nutrition               speaking               strawberry               milk               was               better               for               my               niece               than               chocolate               milk.

When               I               peered               into               the               milk               fridge               at               the               grocery               store               to               pick               up               a               gallon               of               milk               I               saw               some               single               servings               of               strawberry               and               chocolate               milk               containers               from               Nesquik.

The               lack               of               stock               suggests               that               they               are               popular               and               I               decided               to               examine               them.

Both               contain               16               ounces,               which               contains               about               two               adult               servings.

This               explains               why               my               niece               is               seen               drinking               from               the               bottle               for               a               huge               part               of               the               day.

This               could               be               a               problem               on               hot               days.

As               a               precaution               if               your               child               has               had               his               or               her               fill               of               the               milk               drink               it               should               be               placed               in               the               refrigerator               as               soon               as               possible.

In               each               serving               of               the               chocolate               milk               there               is               150               calories               with               no               calories               from               fat,               less               than               5               milligrams               of               cholesterol,               160               milligrams               of               sodium,               400               milligrams               of               potassium,               29               grams               of               total               carbohydrates,               less               than               1               gram               of               dietary               fiber,               28               grams               of               sugars               and               8               grams               of               protein.

Additionally,               the               chocolate               milk               list               vitamin               A               with               10%,               iron               with               2%,               vitamin               D               with               25%               and               calcium               with               40%               in               each               serving.

In               the               strawberry               milk               there               is               180               calories               with               25               calories               from               fat,               10               milligrams               of               cholesterol,               130               milligrams               of               sodium,               400               milligrams               of               potassium,               31               grams               of               total               carbohydrates,               30               grams               of               sugars               and               8               grams               of               protein               in               each               serving.

Vitamin               A               was               listed               with               10%,               calcium               was               listed               with               40%               and               vitamin               D               was               listed               with               25%               for               a               serving               of               the               strawberry               milk               as               well.

Seeing               such               initial               differences               for               the               two               drinks               I               wondered               how               the               ingredients               would               compare.
               As               I               continued               to               read               I               saw               that               the               two               beverages               actually               had               some               similar               ingredients               but               there               were               some               distinctive               differences               that               instantly               turned               me               off               of               one.

The               chocolate               milk               consists               of               nonfat               milk               with               vitamin               A               palmitate               and               vitamin               D3               added,               sugar,               less               than               2%               of               cocoa               processed               with               alkali,               calcium               carbonate,               cellulose               gel,               natural               and               artificial               flavors,               salt,               carrageenan,               and               cellulose               gum.

The               strawberry               milk               has               lowfat               milk               with               vitamin               A               palmitate               and               vitamin               D3               added,               sugar,               less               than               2%               of               calcium               carbonate,               cellulose               gel,               artificial               flavors,               carrageenan,               cellulose               gum,               citric               acid,               salt,               red               40               and               blue               1.

I               was               disappointed               to               see               that               my               niece's               choice               of               drink               had               artificial               colors               and               I               was               equally               disappointed               to               see               that               they               both               contained               artificial               flavors               as               well.

Furthermore               the               fact               that               they               had               cellulose               gel               and               cellulose               gum,               two               substances               that               are               used               to               create               a               thicker               substance               and               extend               shelf               life,               since               both               can               attribute               to               cramps               and               diarrhea.

Furthermore               they               are               not               traditional               milk               ingredients.
               Here               is               my               assessment               of               chocolate               milk               and               strawberry               milk.

If               you               are               going               off               of               nutrition               facts               choose               the               chocolate               milk,               it               contains               less               calories,               cholesterol,               sugars               and               offers               some               iron.

If               you               are               going               off               of               the               ingredients               choose               the               chocolate               milk               as               it               does               not               have               any               artificial               colors,               plus               non-organic               strawberries               are               one               of               the               worst               kind               of               non-organic               foods               you               can               eat               because               their               thin               skins               are               easily               penetrated               by               all               of               the               pesticides               used               on               them.

However,               if               you               want               to               find               a               healthy               beverage               for               your               child               I               would               look               elsewhere.

Consider               finding               something               that               offers               vitamin               C               in               addition               to               calcium               and               protein.

If               you               are               at               home               then               make               your               child               a               smoothie               with               fresh               fruit               and               milk,               which               will               add               lots               of               vitamin               C               and               naturally               make               the               drink               a               fun               color               and               not               contain               unnecessary               artificial               ingredients.

Again               if               you               have               to               choose               between               the               two               I               would               reluctantly               recommend               the               chocolate               milk.

If               you               are               currently               consuming               these               it               might               be               in               your               interest               to               scope               out               if               other               brands               have               more               desirable               ingredients               and               nutrition               facts               or               embrace               fresh               smoothies               if               it               is               an               option               for               you.

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